CvSU recognizes 69 official student orgs

To provide holistic campus experience and student development even in the virtual setup, 69 student organizations were recognized by Cavite State University during the Leadership Seminar cum Student Organization Recognition Program organized by the Office of Student Affairs and Services (OSAS) on Nov. 17, 2020 via Webex.

With the theme “Leading in a COVID Era: Trends for Student Leaders”, Dr. Hernando D. Robles, University President, encouraged the participants to consider leadership not as a means of power and authority, but as a responsibility to influence and to serve. This was further elaborated by Dr. Marie Gethsemanie P. Hilario, guest speaker, reminding the leaders that since the crisis that led to isolation has been affecting the youth, student organizations play a role in keeping the students mentally and emotionally healthy. She inspired the participants to be aware of the societal issues, to be involved in the change management and to forge stronger links to the community while also ensuring that their lives are not put at risk due to the pandemic. Dr. Hilario introduced SPACES , informing the student leaders to think of the Spiritual, Physical, Attitude, Cognition, Emotions Social Network and Satisfaction at Work to be able to adapt in the new normal and assist other students who also need help. During the open forum, she emphasized that collaboration with advisers and parents would help in the success of the student leaders. Conflicts, according to her, may still arise but having good communication among parties will help them solve the problem so they can prioritize the goal of the organization more than the individual differences. Dr. Geths, the wife of Dr. Paul Hilario from the College of Arts and Sciences, is a graduate of Master in Education in Guidance and Counseling and PhD in Counseling Psychology.

Among the recognized organizations, 40 are academic, eight are non-academic, four belong to performing arts,  and seven to the religious groups while 10 are student councils including the Central Student Government. A certificate of appreciation was also given to the Commission on Elections who facilitated the CSG elections this year.

After the awarding of certificates, Ms. Czerie Fei Ledesma, Head of Student Development Services, led the students in “Panunumpa sa Tungkulin”. An orientation on the policies and guidelines in conducting official activities was also given to the participants. Being registered trademarks, the CvSU and Laya at Diwa logo may only be used by recognized student organizations with approved activity proposals. OSAS also gave consideration to some organizations who were not able to renew due to lack of requirements. They may still send their documents until the end of November so that they will also receive their Certificate of Recognition.

In her closing remarks, Ms. Sharon M. Isip, Dean of the Office of Student Affairs, inspired the participants with her rendition of “Ngayon”, reminding all that every day is a chance to see the good in every person like the philosophy of Carl Rogers, an American psychologist.

More than 200 student leaders, faculty advisers and staff attended the said activity.

Participants of the Leadership Seminar cum Recognition Program