Cavite State University is Now ISO 9001:2015 Certified
For less than a year of preparation, Cavite State University (CvSU) is now ISO 9001:2015 certified! AJA Registrars, the certifying body, represented by Ms. Jerah Duran handed in the certificate in a simple ceremony held at SL Lasap Hall, 12 December and was witnessed by the members of the Core Team.
In his acceptance speech, university president Dr. Hernando D. Robles expressed his utmost gratitude and appreciation, especially to the Core Team for allotting extra time and effort to realize this endeavor. “This is the product of determination, hard work and cooperation of each and every member of the CvSU community”, he added.
Since its orientation in December 2017, ISO 9001:2015 preparation was a serious thing and university officials put their efforts to fast track the certification acquisition. In his office memorandum, Dr. Robles released the composition of ISO Core Team members and participants, as well the schedule of workshops. The 20-man team underwent series of training and workshops on ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System or QMS Requirements and Documentation.
QMS aims to increase an organization’s awareness of its duties and commitment in fulfilling the needs and expectations of its stakeholders, and in achieving satisfaction with its products and services.
With this certification, CvSU can now make its services accessible, convenient and pleasant to the transacting public and improve customer satisfaction driven by the university-wide quality improvement on the scope “provision of admission and registration, management of learning (covering graduate and undergraduate programs), research and extension services.”
Congratulations CvSU!