September 2017
GAD RC conducts seminar-workshop; Cresino assists GAD FPS of Indang
The Cavite State University Gender and Development Resource Center (GAD RC) conducted a seminar-workshop on Gender and Development Research Proposal Preparation, at the Conference Room of Hostel Tropicana, 17-18 August.
GAD staffs, Mr. John Renz D. Emelo, Ms. Raecel A. Estebat and Ms. Shirlyn M. Rom, presented the objectives, oriented the participants on the operation of the GAD RC and gave a review on gender issues and gender division of labor.
Moreover, Prof. Jenny Beb F. Ebo, program coordinator from the College of Economics, Management and Development Studies (CEMDS), Department of Economics, shared her learnings about the training on Gender Statistics and Analysis that she attended. She discussed statistics as applied to gender researches and the use of pivot table.
On the other hand, Dr. Marietta C. Mojica, GAD chair for Research, discussed the topic on ‘Identification of Research Problem’ and the result of the student research entitled, ‘Gender Analysis among Barangay Councilors of District VII in Cavite.
The second day was devoted on the preparation of research proposals and presentation of capsule proposals.
Meanwhile, Dr. Nelia C. Cresino, GAD director, assisted the Gender and Development Focal Point System (GAD FPS), of the Municipality of Indang, during the seminar-workshop on ‘GAD Development Planning and Mainstreaming.
The seminar aimed to enhance the knowledge and skills of the members of GAD FPS Executive Committee and Technical Working Group on GAD and GAD Planning and Budgeting.
Hon. Perfecto V. Fidel, municipal mayor of Indang, delivered his opening remarks.
Dr. Cresino, also served as the resource speaker on the following topics: GAD Orientation; expenses that can be and cannot be charged to GAD; use of Harmonized Gender and Development Guidelines; and GAD Planning and Budgeting. Workshop on the use of HGDG was also done on the first day, while the second day was focused on the preparation of the GAD plan and budget of the respective unit/department.