October 2016

CvSU Holds Annual GAD Planning and Budgeting Workshop

The Cavite State University Gender and Development Focal Point System held its Annual GAD Planning and Budgeting Workshop on October 26-27, 2016 at Hostel Tropicana, CvSU, Indang, Cavite. The workshop was attended by 8 males and 34 females or a total of 42 GAD coordinators and alternates.

The activity started with an invocation and national anthem followed by the message from the University President, Dr. Hernando D. Robles.  The rationale and objectives of the workshop were explained by Ms. Raecel A. Estebat.

The first day of the workshop was devoted on the presentation and finalization of the 2016 GAD Accomplishment Reports by the different colleges/campuses/units of the university.

On the second day, Dr. Cresino discussed the Guidelines on the Preparation of the 2018 GAD Plan and Budget and Accomplishment Report. She explained the different mandates related to GAD planning and budgeting and the items that can and cannot be charged to the GAD Budget.

            The program ended with the closing remarks of Ms. Lolita G. Herrera, Director, Finance Management of the University. She emphasized the importance of the workshop in relation to the Financial Planning Workshop to be conducted by the University on November 9 and 10, 2016 (SMRom).