Courses Offered


  1. PhD in Agriculture major in:
  • Crop Science
  • Animal Science
  • Farming systems
    1. PhD in Education
    1. PhD in Management
  1. Master of Agriculture major in
  • Animal Science
  • Crop Protection
  • Crop Science
    1. MS in Agricultural Economics
    1. MS Biology
  1. Master of Arts in Education major in:
  • Educational Management
  • Guidance Counseling
  • Elementary Education
  • Secondary Education
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Mathematics
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  1. MS Agricultural Engineering major in:
  • Soil and Water Management
  • Crop Processing and Handling
  • Agricultural Power and Machinery
  • Design and Management
  1. Master of Engineering major in:
  • Water Engineering and Management
  • Computer Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Electronics and Communications Engineering
    1. MS Agricultural Extension
    1. Master in Business Administration
  1. Master of Management major in:
  • Human Resource Management
  • Organizational Management
    1. Master in Information Technology
    1. Master of Veterinary Studies
    1. Graduate Diploma in Physical Education
  1. Master in Public Administration


1 Bachelor of Agricultural Entrepreneurship (BAE)
2 Bachelor of Arts in English Language Studies (BAELS)
3 Bachelor of Arts in Journalism (BA Journ)
4 Bachelor of Arts in Political Science (BAPS)
5 Bachelor of Early Childhood Education BECE)
6 Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEE)
7 Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Sciences (BSESS)
8 Bachelor of Physical Education (BPEd)
9 Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (BS Acc)
10 Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Bio systems Engineering (BSABE)
11 Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (BS Agri)
12 Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics (BSAM)
13 Bachelor of Science in Architecture (BS Arch)
14 Bachelor of Science in Biology (BS Bio)
15 Bachelor of Science in Business Management (BSBM)
16 Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCE)
17 Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (BSCoE)
18 Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BS CS)
19 Bachelor of Science in Criminology (BS Crim)
20 Bachelor of Science in Development  Management (BSDM)
21 Bachelor of Science in Economics (BS Econ)
22 Bachelor of Science in Electrical  Engineering (BSEE)
23 Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering (BSECE)
24 Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science (BSES)
25 Bachelor of Science in Food Technology (BSFT)
26 Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management (BSHM)
27 Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering (BSIE)
28 Bachelor of Science in Industrial Security Management (BSISM)
29 Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology major in Automotive (BS IndT- AT)
30 Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology major in Electrical (BS IndT – ET)
31 Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology major in Electronics (BS IndT – ELEX)
32 Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT)
33 Bachelor of Science in international Studies (BSIS)
34 Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology (BSMT)
35 BS Midwifery (this course may only be pursued by those who already have the license for Midwife)
36 Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
37 Bachelor of Science in Office Administration (BSOA)
38 Bachelor of Science in Psychology (BS Psy)
39 Bachelor of Science in Social Work (BS SW)
40 Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management (BSTM)
41 Bachelor of Secondary Education (English, Science, Filipino, Math, Social Science) (BSE)
42 Bachelor of Special Needs Education (BSNE)
43 Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education (BTLE)
44 Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)
45 Diploma in Midwifery (two-year program)


  • Science High School
  • Elementary Education
  • Pre-Elementary Education