LDML Vision, Mission, Objectives


LDML Vision

Library that will be recognized for its excellent service as its contribution to the development of globally competitive and morally upright individuals.

LDML Mission

Ladislao N. Diwa Memorial Library shall provide excellent, equitable and relevant library services and resources in support with the University’s mission.

LDML Goals

  To support the University in its main thrust of field of expertise by providing adequate, updated and relevant collection of research and reference materials to its clientele composed of students, faculty and other researchers in the community.

LDML Objectives

The University Library aims to:

  • Establish a collection that will be at par with other modern libraries not only in the region but also at national and international levels;
  • Encourage maximum utilization of its collection by making it readily available and accessible to users; and
  • Coordinate with all colleges and campuses in the selection and acquisition of materials needed to supplement research and instruction.